As published in a recent article by The Riverfront Times, St. Louis City’s African-American Aldermanic Caucus has proposed a resolution to support HR40, which would research the many ways slavery has impacts society and propose reparations for African Americans. Project Raise The Roof applauds these aldermen for taking a stand on this national issue and hopes the Board of Aldermen will also increase focus on this issue here in the City.
One effective starting point would be a resolution urging the Missouri State Legislature to amend RSMO 92 to end the confiscation of St. Louis City’s owner-occupied homes via tax auctions. Since 1971, this state level law has devastated African American neighborhoods and low-income/elderly homeowners, primarily those north of Delmar. This law causes homelessness, reduces family homes to vacant rotting ruins, and perpetuates cyclical poverty by making it nearly impossible for African American St. Louisans to transfer wealth across generations.
All change begins locally. It’s time for St. Louis City to alleviate some of the economic oppression our own municipal government continues to impose upon our Citizens of Color.